Can an Ethiopian change the color of his skin? Can a leopard take away its spots? [Can a tiger change it’s stripes?] Neither can you start doing good, for you have always done evil.
Many believe that in order for us to let Jesus into our homes and lives that we will need to make room for Him because if there isn’t any room how can we let Him in? Some of us have so much going on in our lives that we don’t even have time to get to the door.
I would like to illustrate this by us thinking of us being in a room that has a door that swings out. Jesus is outside knocking, but the room is so full of stuff that we cannot even get to the door to open it. We WANT to let Him in, we WANT His help, but what do we do?
If we just cry out for help as if we are drowning (like Peter-see Matthew 14:22-32) then Jesus will open the door of our heart and begin the cleaning process, working His way into our lives.
And once it's clean and tidy then He will sit down with us and eat a relaxing meal like one friend eats with another.
We might argue about some of the things He wants to clean out of our “rooms” though. There may be things that we don’t think we can live with out. We might even tell Him to “get out” so to speak, but He knows our hearts desires and He knows if we REALLY want Him to leave or not. But like any real friend would do, if we REALLY want Him to leave then He will. He will never force Himself on us, but if we don’t tell Him to leave then He will finish the task He wants to do.
Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.